Buy Clinics
Clinic packs may be used for both adult and junior clinics and may be shared by the whole family!
Pack Price Clinic Price
Drop In Clinic $95
5 Clinic Pack $425 $85
10 Clinic Pack $756 $75.60
25 Clinic Pack $1800 $72
50 Clinic Pack $3420 $68.40
Please Note: To add multiple items you must "X out" of the pop-up box between adding each item.
Buy Lessons
Non-Member Member
Non-Mem Member
Packper HrPackper Hr
Staff Pro per hour $200$170
Tour Pro per hour $210$179
Head Pro per hour $220$187
10 Pack Staff Pro $1900




10 Pack Tour Pro $1995


$195.5 $1696


10 Pack Head Pro $2090


$209 $1776.5


20 Pack Staff Pro $3760


$188 $3196


20 Pack Tour Pro $3948


$197.4 $3355.8


20 Pack Head Pro $4136


$206.8 $3515.6


30 Pack Staff Pro $5580


$186 $4743


30 Pack Tour Pro $5859


$195 $4980


30 Pack Head Pro $6138


$204.6 $5217.3


Please Note: To add multiple items you must "X out" of the pop-up box between adding each item.
Buy Memberships

Full Partial  
Full Season:
Single Adult $3,200 $1,800
Couple $5,400 $3,000
Family $5,900 $3,500
Junior $2,000 $1,600
Monthly (Adult):
June $870 $640
July $1,360 $990
August $2,255 $1,550
September $1,100 $735
Please Note: When purchasing Full Memberships you can only have that one item in your cart, purchase needs to be completed before adding other items. However, Partial memberships can be purchased with other items, in order to add other items to your cart you must "X out" of the pop-up box and return to this screen.